Santa Filomena Brazil Aug 30 - Sep 6
August 19, 2020 around 10:30 am a rock (weighing nearly 1 kilo) fell through a house in the remote town of Santa Filomena, Brazil. After communicating with residents of the town, watching news broadcasts and receiving estimates from the researchers in Brazil and the USA I decided to undertake the expedition. I booked my flight 4 days after the fall to leave exactly one week after the fall.
August 19, 2020 around 10:30 am a rock (weighing nearly 1 kilo) fell through a house in the remote town of Santa Filomena, Brazil. After communicating with residents of the town, watching news broadcasts and receiving estimates from the researchers in Brazil and the USA I decided to undertake the expedition. I booked my flight 4 days after the fall to leave exactly one week after the fall.
Santa Filomena city limits
Santa Filomena city limits
A day in the strewnfield
A day in the strewnfield
We recovered just over 700g of mostly individuals with our largest specimen being 260g and our smallest less than 1g. Many specimens were found in the medium-small range but very few small individuals were found. The wind may have blown the majority of these fragments far North of the path of the bolide.
We recovered just over 700g of mostly individuals with our largest specimen being 260g and our smallest less than 1g. Many specimens were found in the medium-small range but very few small individuals were found. The wind may have blown the majority of these fragments far North of the path of the bolide.
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