The Aguas Zarcas Cosmic 5pc Puzzle
This piece is for sale, for inquiries email us here:
- We accept PayPal, Money Orders, and Checks. (in US funds)
offers are welcome
**Full account of the find story translated at the bottom from the original Spanish letter written by Brayan Araya**
188.5g and specs
The Find Location
The individual pieces
4.89g piece
1.08g piece
Letter of testimony of the find and translation
Translation to English
Country: Costa Rica, Province: Alajuela, Canton: San Carlos, District: Santa Rosa de la Palmera
I Brayan Araya Rojas, citizen of Costa Rica: 2-0759-0747. I want to tell my story in which I had the magnificent experience of being able to find an important part of the "Aguas Zarcas" meteorite that fell on Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 9:08 PM.
It was on my last attempt on Saturday, May 18, 2019, I had walked for 4 frames of about 11 hectares each, one of them was 22 hectares, without getting any part of the meteorite, I was already somewhat disappointed that I was going to be able to find nothing. But I had nothing to lose I tried one more time, but that was going to be my last chance. I got to the "cocaleca" which is a community which benefited greatly from this fall. I approached a woman who had an important land area (within the strewnfield), I spoke with a person and she told me that she was the owner's wife, her name was Esmeralda. I think the girl was famous internationally and her dog Rocky too, yes, she is the girl from the dog house, through which the meteorite went through the roof.
We greeted each other and I began to tell and say who I was, so that she would begin to have a little confidence in me. After 20 minutes of speaking, I had her permission, so I went to look. Every part of the land seemed very interesting I did not want to stop looking anywhere, I did not want any detail to get out of hand, I checked trees, pastures, rivers, roofs, holes, canoes, each bush, in any detail I could escape.
All this happened around 8 o'clock in the morning, she told me that I could enter without any fear, because I had been the only person who had asked permission, many other people were entering without permission in many groups and causing damage to the property, all they wanted was a piece of "black gold". Around 10 in the morning I had not found anything and had already traveled a lot of land, the sun was very strong, my water bottle was my best companion on this trip, my feet could not resist the fatigue of weeks of searching.
It was already 1 in the afternoon, I had to have lunch, I sat on the river bank, I took my food and enjoyed it as never before, listening to the sound of the river and watching the birds. Finishing my lunch quickly I decided to keep looking, try to change a bit the course of my trip because there were people who got into the property without permission and did not want to have problems or if they found any they would take it away from me. The grass was very tall, it is grass to feed the dairy cows of Don Luis, her husband. In a part of the land where the grass was lower I approached, I was as cautious as possible, and last another hour there, to my surprise I had been once again in that part, I do not know why I did not remember before I had already checked there, I was very angry with myself for not having noticed.
I decided to leave and go to the most hidden parts of the farm, but when I was leaving it was there that I stumbled over something, something that hit my rubber boot right, intrigued I bent down and uncorked the grass with my hands and there was a beautiful , fantastic and spectacular "rock" black as coal, its very characteristic and strange smell, for me it was then that I knew it, I found a meteor, a part of space was in my hands, I had achieved it, so much sacrifice, so much time on farms, with people competing to find one, having eaten badly and many things that I can not say, had been completely worth it.
The meteorite was on the ground under a grass called "mombaza", so I separated it a little to see it better, it was beautiful, I took out my small plastic bags and put them in very happy and happy I retired that day with a smile on my face. With a face and chest full of pride, because I achieved it, I had a meteorite of millions of years of age in my hands, and my dream had come true. The incredible thing was that the first time I had passed by there I did not see it or feel it, it was "by mistake" I returned to look in that same area.
You know, my family has always told me that what is for one, nobody can avoid it, it is only for one. That big day it was my turn to find that part in a very curious way that I sincerely liked, it left me a lesson of always looking good with a lot of depth and being persistent.
And if you are reading this, it is because you have in your position that treasure that I once desired so much to have, now it belongs to you, congratulations! Enjoy it, as I told you, if you have it, it's because it was also for you. I say goodbye, without first telling you that the universe and the meteorites are fantastic!
Signed Brayan Araya
This piece is for sale, for inquiries email us here:
- We accept PayPal, Money Orders, and Checks. (in US funds)
This specimen will only be sold as a complete puzzle piece!
Thanks for your inquiries, Raymond